In June 2024, PilgrHYm partners from SINTEF, Antonio Alvaro and Vigdis Olden, TECNALIA with Nicolas Larrosa Fandino and University of Burgos (UBU) with Andres Diaz Portugal attended the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) symposium on Hydrogen Embrittlement.
Held in the unique location of Jesus College, Oxford, this workshop brought together over 100 attendees to discuss the latest developments in hydrogen embrittlement (HE) research. A large part of the workshop was dedicated to hydrogen pipeline and HE testing procedures developments. The workshop offered the opportunity to take in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas on test methodologies, particularly with respect to the updated recommended practices for fracture mechanic testing proposed by the European Research Group (EPRG). The workshop included about 40 invited speakers from all over the world, key-players from both academia and industry [1].
Learn more about the workshop here: Home – Oxford – EPRI Workshop on Hydrogen Embrittlement 2024 (

In addition, Antonio Alvaro was invited to briefly present the PilgrHYm project as well as a summary of the literature and standard review from Task 2.1. The Work Package 2 of PilgrHYm, led by SINTEF, focuses on defining a harmonized tests matrix including standard and innovative cost and time effective tests. The presentation was well received by the audience, with several participants expressing interest in becoming members of the PilgrHYm project’s International Advisory Board (IAB).
PilgrHYm’s IAB acts as a consultative body to ensure an external and independent review of the project progress and results. Currently, over 20 members from various EU countries have joined the IAB to gain privileged access to the project and directly interact with the project team. If your organisation is interested in joining the IAB, please feel free to fill in the online contact form.

References : [1] Home – Oxford – EPRI Workshop on Hydrogen Embrittlement 2024. (n.d.).